Frequently Asked Question

Where are we on Trustpilot?

We have a trustpilot account linked to this site to reassure potential customers we are legit. If you have a problem please contact us to rectify it before reviewing.

How to understand if a site selling THC Products is a scam?

Look for spelling mistakes and other errors. If the site has glowing reviews within the site only, but has no reviews on the web. i.e trustpilot. The site is not to be trusted. In addition sites selling large amounts only, will probably be a scam and  scam sites prefer your bit coin as theres no way of getting it back!

Do you post only to the UK?

Yes, we only serve the UK.

Do you offer returns?

No, sorry.

Can someone tell whats inside my package?

All packaging is discreet. Everything is sent vacuum sealed and there is no smell. Using various return addresses, and packages blend in with all the other mail.

What if I made a mistake in my shipping details?

It’s solely the responsibility of the customer to provide correct shipping details. If you have placed the order and have noticed an error – please contact us ASAP to rectify it. We do not provide refunds in the occasion when customer has not provided correct shipping data.

I have not received my order confirmation email

It can take time to confirm your payment as its done mannually. Please check your spam email,  What if its not there? email us directly. 

When will I get my tracking number?

If you have paid for tracked (insured) you will recive an email from the shipping company shortly after. delivery. 1st class standard no details.  

How long will it take to get my order?

Almost all orders are shipped same day of receiving payment. Advergae is 2  working days to reach you, in some cases can be 5 days depending on the post. 

How will this show on my bank statement?

Payment debit will show UKVI Online on your statement (UKVI English Lessons Online).